Posting this picture could
save a life
Reposting this picture
will prove how Christian you are.
Clicking here will affirm
your patriotism.
Will it? Will it really?
This is my response to a
“debate” that started after I posted a picture of a 12 week old
baby nestled in a person's hand, showing how life does start that
early. Life. It's one of the things I feel passionately about and
took 2 seconds to share it.
I am for life. I am also
for the life of women and girls who have had horrible things done to
them, apart from bad decisions they made or alcohol helped them
make. I am for the life of people who made the mistake to end a
baby's life. I believe that forgiveness can come, even then. Murder
is not the unforgivable sin.
The people I'm having a
lot more time forgiving are the Christians who aren't helping the
people that need help. The Christians who are spending more time
reposting inspirational quotes than welcoming a hurt 15 year old kid
into their home because they don't want “someone like that.”
I'm also quite disgusted with this need to be right and the unfair treatment of Christians
toward one another because of fingers shoved firmly into ears.
Who is right and wrong
doesn't make any stinking difference when it comes to a person
believing their life is over, when everything can be lost, and the
people that should be helping and loving are spending too much time
reveling in how much better they feel because that specific sin
didn't bite them in the butt when they were 15.
The boy and girl have
equal responsibility. The Church has got the ultimate responsibility
to live out Christs command to love one another as yourself.
Get off of your computers
and your little Christian bubble and do something.
If you call yourself pro
life, then find a way to get involved and practically help.
It may not help to post
pictures. It may further alienate someone that doesn't know what to
do, and carry more fear of persecution and hate.
What do you think?