Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Meeting

I am so happy to share this from my wonderful aunt. Be mightily blessed!

The Meeting

As I walked down the street I saw you sitting on the bench.
Your face was leathered and lined. 
I started to pass you by, another elderly person after all, and I really didn't have the time.
But something inside of me made me stop; we both had something to give.

I saw you walking down the street, your face so fresh and young.
Your eyes were filled with the light of youth and the promise of life to come.
I sensed you hesitating as our eyes met. And in those few seconds a lifetime passed me by.
I wanted to tell another living soul the feelings buried deep inside of me. I may be old and the body has changed…..I look in the mirror and see my grandfather….how did it happen so fast? But I still count. I still have so much to give. My mind is alert and my heart is willing to share.

We sat in silence for awhile and then we began to speak. The words tumbled out.
One spoke of the future and its hopes and dreams. The other spoke of the past and its fulfillment's and disappointments.
One gave to the other the richness of experience. The other gave the gift of sharing. And in that time both hearts were touched.
As I walked on down the street I thanked God for stopping me. I knew the time I had spent with you would change my life forever. Never again would I pass an elderly person as someone who doesn't count. You shared with me your heart and soul and filled my heart with love for my fellowman. Your wisdom was a blessing. And you, my new friend, know that you still have much to give.
As you walked on down the street I thanked God for stopping you. You made me feel worthwhile again. Never again would I judge the young as cold and unfeeling. And you, my new friend, know that you have so much to give.

Now I’m sitting on the bench and my face is leathered and lined. How did it happen so fast? I remember back years ago to the day I first met my friend, now long gone. And I realized how much he gave me through the years.

Then I saw you walking down the street, your face so fresh and young………………

By: Ella Call

Friday, January 17, 2014

Back in Europe..... What?

This explanation has been very long in coming. We are back in Europe. After a wonderful mission full of miracles and provision and growth in the French language, our hearts full of what God had done, and excitement for the future State-side, (and more than a little sadness at leaving our family in the European campus behind) my husband and I enjoyed a memorable, blessed Chrsitmas with my family in Utah. I was able to reconnect with family in ways I didn't even dream. I sorted some transition issues in my heart and identified far too many ways I am still painfully in need of growth and renewal.
We bought a phone. A shiny one. We settled and were excited for a long drive to California and the chance to work on those friendships we had tentatively developed at the 50th anniversary celebration of Covenant Players.
Then we got a phone call from our supervisor. Kind of a big deal to get a call from Germany (which never feels far in my heart, no matter how long the plane ride is). My husband looked somber and serious. My first thought was- Did somebody die? My second thought was- Did we make some terrible mistake as leaders that they need to let us know about? When the phone was passed to me, and the question was put forth, that we were needed to come back, I cried immediately. I held myself to together until the call was over and I numbly agreed to pray and get back within 24 hours. I couldn't say anything for awhile, safely nestled in the arms of the partner in ministry, I bawled my face off. (Thus endeth the poetic classiness of this blog.)
We were in a funk. We didn't know what to do. We felt that we ought to say yes, but we didn't feel like it was meant to be. (You know, Christianese talk- we didn't feel "called." We were totally mature and fasted and prayed the rest of the day. No, that's a lie. We divulged ourselves in multiple forms of total distraction and let the hours slip by. Finally, we were in bed, realizing, oh yeah. We've got to talk about this some more. We should. We don't want to. Okay, that's been said. What new thing can we add to this repetitive conversation? What does God have to say? MÃ¥rten had the idea to open up the bible, eyes closed, finger down, and see what God would say. This is not a method we had tried before, but we sure were ready for it. He opened up his bible first to-
2 Samuel 19:36-37a (if you are interested about the 'a' signifying importance, look it up, it's kind of funny.
"Your servant will cross over the Jordan with the king for a short distance, but why should the King reward me in this way? Let your servant return..."

I took the bible and put my finger down on  Jeremiah 31:5
"Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria, the farmers will plant them and enjoy their fruit."

At this point we were laughing and crying, and I wasn't really sure which was which. I handed the bible back to him and said, "One more time!" He opened it up to 1 Corinthians 16:10-11
"If Timothy comes, see to it that he has nothing to fear while he is with you, for he is carrying on the work of the Lord, just as I am. No one then, should refuse to accept him. Send him on his way in peace so that he may return to me. I am expecting him along with the brothers."

We looked at each other filled with awe that God would speak to us so clearly. With a big smile, my wonderful Swede looked at me and said, "Well, I guess we are going!" I figured that we should email our supervisors right away and not make them wait. It all changed quickly, but the quick change in our hearts, the willingness and the joy to do ministry has been a real gift from the Lord. I have always had to fight fear, but I have many courageous plans. I am blessed to have this "extra" time with my family here, so everything I get to experience with them just feels like bonus.

To be perfectly honest, I feel like most of what I get in life is bonus. I get to do meaningful work with the purpose of building the kingdom of God. I get to do something I love with people I love. Plus there's a beautiful blonde two year old that calls out my name with ego boosting joy everyday. There are even more ways that I am blessed, but this is already getting pretty long as it is.

Please pray for:
-More missioners! People that will grow to be leaders, who will delve into a language and a culture with enthusiasm and faith. People who will be teachable and responsible.
-Our supervisors around the world as they work on assigning units.
-Our hearts to grow with passion for our areas. For eyes to see the needs and to respond to it by accepting the decision our supervisors make.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Armour of God

This blog post was written by my aunt. I am so glad to be able to share her words. Thanks, Ella, for letting me share your words.


The mind is where the enemy attacks. Salvation is the beginning of our walk with God and the beginning of concentrated attacks on our mind. When we put on the helmet of salvation we are protecting our mind from the lies of the enemy.

The breastplate protects the heart. From our heart flows love and praise to God. If we do not walk in His righteousness then we open the door to the enemy to fill our heart with things of the earth that take us from the throne of God.

There is only one truth, His name is God, and His Word is Truth.

The wording of this part of our armour is very significant. We do preparation towards the completion of fixing a meal for the hungry. In this case are we required to prepare ourselves in the knowledge of the word of God to share the gospel with the spiritually hungry?
Also, the word “shod” is important. A horse has its hooves shod. They are not covered, but attached. Our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, to “walk” to those who do not know Jesus. We are to go to them, not wait for them to come to us.

Do we use the sword in offence, or defense, or both? As we begin our walk of salvation we use it in defense to protect ourselves as we fill our mind and heart with the word of God.
As we grow in God and begin to walk the path He has set before us, we also use the sword in offence as we stand in the gap for others.

This is such an awesome part of our armour. Why does God tell us “above all”? Does it have something to do with the word faith, and the importance of faith in our lives? Is it because the shield is something that we can move at will and cover that which is in danger at any given moment?
I once heard an evangelist from South Africa speaking. His name is Mr. Barnard. He went by Pastor Barney. One night in September of 2004 he was talking about the verse, faith cometh by hearing, by hearing the word of God. I had often wondered why “by hearing” was repeated. Pastor Barney explained it beautifully. He said faith cometh by hearing, and then he pointed to his head. Then he said by hearing the word of God, and he pointed to his heart. There is such truth in that. We have to allow the word of God to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge.
As you read the word of God do you ever have one word or a phrase kind of jump out at you? Then you read it again and it is like it has been buried in your heart, like it has become a part of you?
Or maybe you were reading Gods word and something you didn’t understand suddenly became so clear, and you know that you have seen the truth that God was trying to impart into your heart?

That is what happened to me when I was reading this portion of the armour of God. He led me to read it over again, and the word ALL [the fiery darts of the wicked] jumped out at me. And then that wonderful word went from head knowledge to heart knowledge. The enemy knows each one of our individual weaknesses. That is where he will attack us. God was showing me that it doesn’t matter how big the attack, or how often they come, that we have everything we need in our armour to defeat the enemy. The shield of faith that God has given us can quench ALL THE FIERY DARTS OF THE WICKED.
Look at the word quench. We quench our thirst with water. Jesus is the water of life. It is through him that we have received our salvation. What better way to quench FIERY darts, than with the very water of life? It is through salvation that we have the right and authority to defeat the wicked.
Ephesians 6: 10-18