We, the world, the human's currently with physical hearts beating, have needs. Have hearts, and desires that we have turned off, or given up on. From the CEO at the top of the ladder with the 10,000 dollar tie, to the homeless man sitting on the curb outside the bank with the slimy teeth, there are needs. But the homeless man has something the CEO doesn't. An outstretched hand. He is ready to receive something. His need is apparent, and the hurt in is mouth, and the body that needs more nutrition and care than it receives is just as empty as his heart is without Jesus. The CEO has the same knawing hunger in his heart.
The hunger that says, "There has got to be more."
I challenge us who call ourselves Christian to stand up and search the eyes of everyone we come across for the need that is screaming inside of them. To meet the physical needs, and to pray for the desire that only God can satisfy. When our hearts long to see love and justice, they will beat with the Lord's heart.
Only then will our souls be satisfied, when we look past ourselves and love our neighbor as ourselves.