In Covenant Players, we have our own lingo, words, abbreviations and stuff. That's been established a few times by now, I'm sure. CPCC is Covenant Player Covenant College. It's our training time and it's a wonderful time. It's intense and together and full. We are knitted together in a way unlike anything else, because we are taking classes and putting together plays and learning lines and cooking and cleaning and joking and rubbing shoulders and our iron sharpens the next person's iron. I may be running out of sense.
On Saturday something happened that I haven't actually told anyone yet. So, I'm telling you this story of my little blessing first. It was hot. Of course it was. This is Southern California in July. I went for a walk to get some mountain dew at a gas station and look at my script. Near the gas station is a 99 cent store, and I looked around and wished that I could think of something someone needed. I prayed for the chance to be a blessing to someone. Either through a smile or some kind of divine appointment of some kind. Anyway, when I finally did get to the gas station, they didn't have mountain dew, at least not as a fountain huge option. I wasn't going to give up so easily. I went to a fast food joint and joked with the lady that I was disappointed in that station because they didn't have any dew, and that was the only thing I wanted to have. She smiled and got me a cup. I asked how much it would cost, and she just shook her head and walked away. I was so surprised. I went to fill up the drink, and looked back, and there was no one available. As I sipped my drink and walked out through the parking lot. I started to laugh and then to cry and went back and forth as the Lord just touched my heart through this seemingly small blessing. He really does care, and he says the same thing back- I want to bless you! I want to show you how much I love you through small little things like a soda. I felt His love so near, I felt like his arms were around me and like I had just gotten the Christmas present that I had been waiting for since October.