On a whim, I decided to write a blog. There's all this complicated stuff about showing that I agree to cookies or something. I'm not a technical person. I just write. I guess I'll get the husband to make that go away later.
Four months ago, my baby girls were born. Amelia and Ellinor. They were two months premature and we lived in a hospital for 6 weeks. Unlike many other parents of preemies, we were actually able to live at the hospital, as there was a room next to the NICU room where we could stay. It was wonderful. Our first shot at living in one place that doesn't belong to family since we've been married. Little by little we got more responsibilities for their care, and one wonderful day we were able to go home and not go back.
My husband's parents have a little house on their property and it has been home for us. Breastfeeding and cleaning has been our full time jobs. Thanks to the wonderful Swedish system, we have recieved government help so Marten can help me full time as well. I'm blessed and the babies are crying so it's time to feed them again!