Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Learning how to run

We're in California. There isn't anything we can do to hurry the paperwork that's in the mail that will enable us to get back to South Africa. I feel very hopeful about getting back. It's more than a little strange to be living something like a 9 to 5 life here. Obviously it's not, because I don't stop being a missionary when the clock hits 5, just like I don't stop being a Christian. That's just when we head back to our host home, and I get my exercise clothes on and start walking.

This is my habit for the past week. My habit during the week is seeing where I can be a blessing, especially trying to find a place to sleep for my friends/colleagues that are going to be traveling in my old neck of the woods. It's hard to not feel jealous of them, who are going to be ministering to my city, being so close to my family. To be able to share your passion in your own home, that is a huge gift. I'm jealous of my team in South Africa getting to do programs for schools and pre-schools right now too. I'm on the phone and in front of a computer with not much to look forward to performance wise for a little while now.

I don't mean to sound like such a whiner. I am learning how to run. That's a gift. I never thought I would get into that. It's amazing how slow a minute walked is, and how fast a minute ran is. To see the distance covered, to feel the relief in stopping. To feel my legs get stronger, and to be able to look forward to doing it again tomorrow.

My life has been so full of changes these past few months. Even more than the usual, expected ones. The ususal, expected ones being, new plays, new hosts, calling people like crazy finding a place to sleep, finding a place to perform, It's new things, but all around the world it works the same. But we've been learning how to spend longer than a few days, how to cook for ourselves, how to do dishes, how to sit still. It's strange and I know I have to stop comparing it to what I'd rather be doing. I have to be still and know that God is good and wants us here. I have to work harder to be a blessing and to not look inward no matter how natural that is.

Thank you for your prayers!

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