Here's another question.
Is there a thing more humbling than foot washing? I'd venture to say that there are more people out there feeling uncomfortable about their feet than those that aren't.
I wonder what bothers people more, the thought of taking someone elses foot up in our laps and washing it and drying it, or the thought of someone else taking our feet up in their laps and dipping it into that bowl and rubbing soap into it, and having it get washed and dried.
I went to a foot washing service on Maundy Thursday and I didn't know what to expect. We drew numbers out of a basket and were supposed to find the people with the corresponding number, or just choose someone. I felt unprepared and a little nervous, until I was told that our neighbor, who had a six year old grand-daughter visiting really wanted to have her feet washed. I hopped up gladly and led her by the hand to one of the stations and when it was available, It's such a simple act of caring. It's so easy to do. I felt a little dumb about feeling the embarrassment that I had felt. I think that goes back to one of my core fears that still sneaks up on me now and then. This is the fear that I will do something wrong and people will get mad at me. But I digress.
I love kids. I always have, and I always will. I love how she was so honest about wanting this, and so willing to let it be done to her. If anyone had asked me I'd have done it without a second thought. Initiating things is sometimes just more difficult. I led her back to the pew and went looking for my next person. I met eyes with a lovely lady with pretty dang epic dread locks and asked if she had her feet washed yet, but then she asked me the same thing. Then she said she would wash my feet. I said, Okay, and then I'll wash yours! And she said, No, I've already had mine washed. So she simply took my hand and led me to a spot. My eyes filled up, the warm water felt so good, and she was so gentle and thorough. There was nothing I could do but receive this act of humility, this gift. All I could do afterwards was throw my arms around her and get crushed by her dreads in the process.
THIS. This is what Christianity is about. Being humble with one another. Serving one another. Being willing to give and receive. Love is about willingness to do what we don't want.
Jesus said to Nicodemus that he must be born again, In the late sixties, this became a big things. It's still pretty common vernacular. He also said to a certain rich young ruler that the one thing that he lacked was to sell all that he owned and give it to the poor.
That doesn't get preached so much.
We are used to our barriers.
We can toss a homeless man a dollar and feel good about it, or we can sit down on the pavement next to him and learn his name and pray for him and find out what how his heart hurts and what he really needs.
We can sing (and feel those Holy Ghost goosebumps)
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
But are we willing to actually be sent, where there might not be the money to live as well as we want and have the free time that we so desperately deserve?
Can we post picture after picture on facebook about the sin it is to have an abortion but not take in a pregnant teen who has been abandoned by her family?
Can we dare to believe that a Syrian or Iraqi or North Korean soul is of less value than an American one? (Or fill in the blank of your country.)
If you support Trump could you wash the feet of a Bernie supporter? (Or Clinton)
If you support Bernie could you wash the feet of a Trump supporter? (Or Cruz)
This world needs radical humility and undeserved grace. This world needs less judgement and more compassion. This world needs the CHRISTIANS to look each person in the eye and see the spark of our creator, the divine power and love that drove him to the cross.
We are supposed to take up our cross. Our burden. We are supposed to be fishers of men. We are supposed to reject the edicts of man that would say anything contrary to that.
We were put here to love the world before ourselves.
Oh God, I want to see us all live like this. I'm so hungry for Your church to be united in this simple task. Your kingdom come, your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.