Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Meeting

I am so happy to share this from my wonderful aunt. Be mightily blessed!

The Meeting

As I walked down the street I saw you sitting on the bench.
Your face was leathered and lined. 
I started to pass you by, another elderly person after all, and I really didn't have the time.
But something inside of me made me stop; we both had something to give.

I saw you walking down the street, your face so fresh and young.
Your eyes were filled with the light of youth and the promise of life to come.
I sensed you hesitating as our eyes met. And in those few seconds a lifetime passed me by.
I wanted to tell another living soul the feelings buried deep inside of me. I may be old and the body has changed…..I look in the mirror and see my grandfather….how did it happen so fast? But I still count. I still have so much to give. My mind is alert and my heart is willing to share.

We sat in silence for awhile and then we began to speak. The words tumbled out.
One spoke of the future and its hopes and dreams. The other spoke of the past and its fulfillment's and disappointments.
One gave to the other the richness of experience. The other gave the gift of sharing. And in that time both hearts were touched.
As I walked on down the street I thanked God for stopping me. I knew the time I had spent with you would change my life forever. Never again would I pass an elderly person as someone who doesn't count. You shared with me your heart and soul and filled my heart with love for my fellowman. Your wisdom was a blessing. And you, my new friend, know that you still have much to give.
As you walked on down the street I thanked God for stopping you. You made me feel worthwhile again. Never again would I judge the young as cold and unfeeling. And you, my new friend, know that you have so much to give.

Now I’m sitting on the bench and my face is leathered and lined. How did it happen so fast? I remember back years ago to the day I first met my friend, now long gone. And I realized how much he gave me through the years.

Then I saw you walking down the street, your face so fresh and young………………

By: Ella Call

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