Monday, March 18, 2013

An Unamerican Gospel Part 2

If you missed part one- here it is

4.An “I deserve this” mentality
I deserve happiness at anyone's expense. I deserve to have my dreams come true. I deserve hot showers and enough food to throw away. I deserve the latest mobile phone and nice clothes. I deserve perfect health and to be pain free. I deserve 4 week vacations and nice cars. I deserve a quiet life with a family and growing old with grand-kids in a large comfortable house.

What exactly does God owe us? What did we ever do to make the weights tip so far in our direction?

They gave our master a crown of thorns. Why do we hope for a crown of roses?
Martin Luther

5.A “not my fault”, “sucks to be you” mentality
Remember your brothers in chains as though you were tied up with them. Whatever you didn't do to the least of them, you didn't do to me. To pretend that world out there is a fairy tale place. To shut out the sound of it. To not develop any sense of caring because it would distract from the enjoyment of all those things that you have and deserve to be enjoying.

6.A victims disposition
Pride for our struggles, for our going without, for how much we've been hurt and how wrong everyone around us has been. For our sacrifices not being recognized. How misunderstanding and horrible they have been. How it's their fault that we aren't doing well, why we aren't going to continue on.
We won't move on and the poison we are drinking will eventually kill them! A distinct decision must be made to hold people accountable for what's been done, because our sense of justice holds us in this corner of victim-hood. It becomes our identity and our saftey net for why we don't do anything else.
Leave your gift at the alter. Be reconciled to your brother. If you don't forgive, neither will you be forgiven.
To continually live as the victim takes pride. It takes a choice to make your problems and what happened to be the forefront of every decision you make. It makes you more important than what the Lord wants to do and it stunts every aspect of life. Fear makes itself at home in your heart. The victim fades out of existence after having spent years barely leaving any tracks that they ever were there.
There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough - a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice- which costs nothing, and is worth nothing.
J.C. Ryle

So, are you are with me, and are ready to get on with it and rock the world for Jesus?

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